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 Bosses in CC

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Lord And Master
Lord And Master

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PostSubject: Bosses in CC   Bosses in CC Icon_minitimeMon Mar 17, 2008 10:44 am

The only ones that are worth camping are the so called def boss and GW.
def boss is located at CC3 near glaiveman and pole; there are actually two spot she might spawn- hallway and room; they are next to each other.
the luckiest drop you can get from her is def+200 trinket; the worst is nothing. it also drops some gold and a lame relic.
the spawn time is said to be 4~6 hrs, but i think can get to 3~7 hrs.
it is also said that only one person can attack the boss for it to drop the trinket, but experience told us it will drop if more ppl hitting it.
Not sure about her lvl, probably around GB7.
It is one of the best gear in the game. Last time I saw someone selling at 90 mil in HeFei. Hardly see anyone selling it.
Back then the lowest price I've heard was 30 mil.
Now I see LSB camping it 24/7..

GW is located in front of CC5 door. It drops +300dmg WB, critical weapons, various plates/relic, BEs, ginseng. Now the server has assigned schedule for GW.
Level should be around FC7.

Other bosses: Few in CC1, CC2, CC3, they drop dodge trinket.
The ones in CC4 drop hp trinket.
hp trinket absorb 1/1000 dmg to life. when warriors have both hp trinket and def trinket, they do not need to med as much anymore.
The price was around 8 mil back then. I have no idea why they are selling for 30 mil now.
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Beggar King
Beggar King

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PostSubject: Re: Bosses in CC   Bosses in CC Icon_minitimeWed Mar 19, 2008 7:50 am

kathrym wrote:
The only ones that are worth camping are the so called def boss and GW.
def boss is located at CC3 near glaiveman and pole; there are actually two spot she might spawn- hallway and room; they are next to each other.
the luckiest drop you can get from her is def+200 trinket; the worst is nothing. it also drops some gold and a lame relic.
the spawn time is said to be 4~6 hrs, but i think can get to 3~7 hrs.
it is also said that only one person can attack the boss for it to drop the trinket, but experience told us it will drop if more ppl hitting it.
Not sure about her lvl, probably around GB7.
It is one of the best gear in the game. Last time I saw someone selling at 90 mil in HeFei. Hardly see anyone selling it.
Back then the lowest price I've heard was 30 mil.
Now I see LSB camping it 24/7..

GW is located in front of CC5 door. It drops +300dmg WB, critical weapons, various plates/relic, BEs, ginseng. Now the server has assigned schedule for GW.
Level should be around FC7.

Other bosses: Few in CC1, CC2, CC3, they drop dodge trinket.
The ones in CC4 drop hp trinket.
hp trinket absorb 1/1000 dmg to life. when warriors have both hp trinket and def trinket, they do not need to med as much anymore.
The price was around 8 mil back then. I have no idea why they are selling for 30 mil now.

The lvl for the def boss is GB9, which should be yellow when you are GB7.

The boss in cc4 drops hp trinket - absorbs 2/1000 dmg! vagabond mansion hp hat absorbs 1/1000!

The boss in cc4 spawns at 2 spots:
1) the wu-tang area - go to the left hand side when you run down the stairs!
2) the monkey area - slighty upper hill from the vagabond (transpot NPC)
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PostSubject: Re: Bosses in CC   Bosses in CC Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2008 5:54 am

The Def Boss is GB10. 3 spots that she will spawn. Inside that room, the narrow corridor, and the hallway. Camped so many times and u still dont know. And where is my def trinket?!!
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Lord And Master
Lord And Master

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PostSubject: Re: Bosses in CC   Bosses in CC Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2008 7:19 am

only 2 spots!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Bosses in CC   Bosses in CC Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2008 9:01 am

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Beggar King
Beggar King

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PostSubject: Re: Bosses in CC   Bosses in CC Icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2008 9:34 am

shut up, you two lol... you can see her no matter where she comes from. All pretty near
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PostSubject: Re: Bosses in CC   Bosses in CC Icon_minitime

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